Preis: EUR 950'000 plus earn out
Region: Deutschland
Status: Aktiv
The company is focussed on the development and supply of cyber security systems and the 2nd level support. The company has constantly grown through the development of a high number of BtoB customers. A newly technically developed product provides access to a substantial additional market potential in one of the European markets. A multiplication into other regions is in preparation. The business is implemented in different sectors including specific areas in the private and public sector, in schools and in specifically defined services.
This interesting company suits to be integrated into an existing organisation to provide added value to existing business. Alternatively, the business can be extended into new markets, respectively be growing the market share by increasing the focus on sales.
This offer is focussed on third party companies in the IT-sector, on investment companies and on private investors, potentially with an IT- or cyber background. Preferably a majority of the share of the company will be sold. There re preferably 80% of the shares for sale. The minority share holder remains as oane of the knowhow persons within the company.
If this offer catches your attention, feel free to get in contact with us. Contact details reto.schoch@sovadis.ch Mr. Schoch will be happy to support you. We guarantee absolute descretion.
ID 0285
E-Mail: info@sovadis.ch
Telefon +41 (0)32 672 15 15
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